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Zuni Spirits - online catalogue of fine Zuni Fetish Carvings since 1997.
Zuni Spirits - online catalogue of fine Zuni Fetish Carvings since 1997.
Zuni Spirits - online catalogue of fine Zuni Fetish Carvings since 1997.
Zuni Spirits - online catalogue of fine Zuni Fetish Carvings since 1997.
Zuni Spirits - online catalogue of fine Zuni Fetish Carvings since 1997.
Zuni Spirits - online catalogue of fine Zuni Fetish Carvings since 1997.
Zuni Spirits - online catalogue of fine Zuni Fetish Carvings since 1997.
Zuni Spirits - online catalogue of fine Zuni Fetish Carvings since 1997.
Zuni Spirits - online catalogue of fine Zuni Fetish Carvings since 1997.
Zuni Spirits - online catalogue of fine Zuni Fetish Carvings since 1997.
Zuni Spirits - online catalogue of fine Zuni Fetish Carvings since 1997.


We love books .. and we fell in love with Puebloan culture, specifically Zuni, but we wanted to know as much as we could about all of the Pueblos. So .. we bought books, LOTS of books. I am still going through boxes after the move and there are still books to be unpacked and inventoried, but we're starting with three in this posting and this - is the second.

Published in 1925 this book is 513 pages with over 100 "rare" photographs. The book is in excellent condition, particularly for its age. It has lovely deckled edges and each plate is preceded by onion skin. It is priced comparably to those I found on Amazon.

"From the introduction, by Lummis: "For nearly forty years I have been writing in and of the million square miles which include New Mexico, Arizona, Southern California, and adjoining parts of Colorado, Utah, Texas, and Northern Mexico - an area to which I was first to apply, over a third of a century ago, the generic christening by which it is now commonly known - The Southwest. My books were the first to make widely known most of the marvels of that incomparable Wonder Land, which I began to explore eagerly on my Tramp Across the Continent in 1884. Through the decades since, I have made the Southwest a study, not only by exploration but in documentary research - and hope never to know it all!" About the Author: Charles Lummis (1859-1928) was an author, journalist, editor, photographer, Los Angeles city librarian, adventurer, close friend and Harvard classmate of Theodore Roosevelt, and champion of the American Indian. He walked from Cincinnati to Los Angeles in the winter of 1884-1885 to accept a job on the then three-year old Los Angeles Times."

The last photo is of a clipping I found within the pages of the book about the "threatening rock" that fell on Pueblo Bonito in Chaco Canyon. That happened in 1941.

    No.: 22092 | SOLD
    Price: $15.
    Item: Book
    Shipping costs: depends on your location
    Plus state sales tax to Texas residents!

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502 W. Montgomery, PMB 205, Willis, TX 77378

All rights reserved © - Zuni Spirits | David & Darlene Riggs
Celebrating over 23 years of PASSION for Zuni fetishes!