The Zuni fetish carvers now have access to a "world" of carving materials. It's not unusual to find stones at a Zuni trading post that were mined from countries on the opposite side of the globe. Additionally, Zuni fetish traders often supply carvers with materials they've hand chosen from various sources. Some carvers attend various Gem & Mineral Shows to buy unusual and newly found carving materials.
We are not geologists but we've put together this page to assist collectors in identifying stones and to educate about the origins of some materials. We will not address chemical composition, MOHS hardness or new age beliefs. Instead, we will offer what little knowledge we may have about the stone as it relates to Zuni fetish carvings; its origin, carvers who regularly utilize it, etc.
The Zuni fetishes depicted on these pages are from our archive of photos and are NOT available for sale. They are merely used as examples of carvings made from the various stones described.
- Dave & Darlene